Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This blog is public - whee!!! Email notification won't be sent anymore when I update, so be sure to visit the site often...www.trainingshoes.blogspot.com. If you see that I haven't been around, feel free to poke me or something. We all need encouragement every now and again. Feel free to recommend that blog to someone who might enjoy reading it - everything here is anonymous (comments go through me first before I can publish them).

Well, woopee! I survived the family, and I can testify that anticipation is far worse than the actual event, but you already know that, right?! Vegas kicked ass and we had a great time. Well deserved! I was pissed that I didn't get into that silver dress, though, but that's another story.

I'm so glad the weather's finally cooling down and I can get outside and walk! I'm really having a hard time getting back in the habit of a daily training routine, and I'm really having a super hard time getting motivated!! I'm in a rut, that's for sure.

Boy, it's been a while since I've been here. It always feels good to be back. It feels good to get my emotions out of me!

Did anyone catch MacKenzie Phillips on Oprah? Wow, that opened up a can of worms all across America, didn't it?! It's amazing how often incest/child molestation happens, yet no one talks about it. This really struck a nerve with me. What really got my attention was hearing her respond to some of her family members' denials about the incestuous relationship instigated by her father. She simply responded with, "Denial is typical and it's normal for them to feel that way." That really explains a lot of my family's behavior - D-E-N-I-A-L!!! Seems like I still have a lot of childhood issues that I'm dealing with.

And it's amazing how I dream of eating junk food when those emotions flood back. "Stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts!" Time to lace up those training shoes...

God, give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. -Reinhold Niebuhr