Friday, August 7, 2009

Patience, Grasshopper

Thursday's food choices, I'd say 3 out of 5 stars: ***

B'fast: coffee, cereal

Snack: fruit & nut bar

Lunch: leftover balonie spaghetti, 3 sm. pc. garlic bread, **2 bites of my husband's piece of cake, yea for me for not eating a whole dang piece

Snack: Schwan's mini ice cream bars (it's a great alternative to a whole bowl of ice cream - they're itty-bitty)

Dinner: Thai peanut chicken and **ONE bite of my husband's cake, yea for me!

I'll report today's food tomorrow probably. We're planning on going out to a diner - hold on to your hats for a cheat report. I did work out today with the Wii - Maya gave me a great workout!

Today, I'm feeling frustrated because I want to be back in my size 4 RIGHT NOW (I'd settle for and 8). Gosh, it's only been a few days, so I need to slow my roll. I went back through my book of quotes and found a goodie I'll leave at the end. I also read another nugget of wisdom in one of my Alanon books of daily messages which I'll leave at the end.

I started to fly off the handle again, a fella yesterday was telling me what to do and how to do it ("um, did I ask you for you opinion, Mister? no I did not"). But after I stewed about it, I had a brilliant idea. Sometimes people say things to us which can be extremely hurtful. Or maybe it seems like they're being bossy and telling us what to do and how to do it. Here's the way I'm choosing to see it today:

People really do love us, and in their minds, they're attempting to show us loving kindness through their actions and words in the best way they know how. Sometimes in the filter of their (or our) minds, things get twisted and come out as hurtful to us. If those actions or words do indeed come across as hurtful to us, it's just because folks may not know us and how to show us love in helpful ways. Their shortcomings are theirs and theirs alone. Bossy attitudes of others are their faults, not ours. If they spew vile at us, it's because they have some rotten things inside them eating them up. But I will try to not take the bait, I will not be angry with them, I will not fault them or judge them for being hurtful in my mind. I should pray for them.
I felt myself spinning into another dimension of anger after this guy started in on me. But I remembered a few hours later that he meant no harm. He was only trying to help me when he was telling me what to do and how to do it. I need to just be grateful to have a loving friend and leave it alone.

Never let yesterday use up too much of today. -Will Rogers

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. -Chinese Proverb

Forget injuries, never forget kindness. -Confucius

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