Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well, Easter was interesting.  It didn't really feel like Easter, but then it never really did to me.

On Saturday, the day before Easter, I spent the day running errands.  It felt so great to get out of the house, but I felt like I wanted to be home with the babies (DT) and DH.  We decided to make our Easter dinner on Saturday evening and eat it then because we knew there was no way we could do it on Sunday.  I was so tired at the end of that day!  It's the most cooking I've done in a very long time!  Since before the babies were born I guess.  We just had some little ham sandwiches with basting sauce - nothing fancy.  But I was exhausted from making just that.  So as we ate at the dinner table, we had already finished feeding DTs theirs.  We let them sit in their high chairs with us at the table.  So we ate our nice Easter dinner with babies howling, whining and babbling.  By this point in the day, Iwas pretty frazzled and thinking to myself, "Are you kidding?!  This is Easter?!"  And a second later I realized, "Yes, this is our new Easter.  This is my new life.  This is it."  And I'm lucky that I have 2 babies.  I can't imagine going through the difficult pregnancy and then delivery and just getting one baby.  That would have sucked a rotten egg.

I love my babies, and it's a new thing for me to practice patience at the end of the day. I love them so much and I wouldn't trade them for the world!  I just need to settle into "mama" and I'll be OK.

Easter day was a church day.  We learned our lesson last week and took the babies in the stroller this time.  That worked very well - note to self!!!  Anyhoo, Easter day was like a normal day except we spent a few minutes before church seeing what the Easter bunny brought.  We didn't make a big deal of it, just 2 tiny felt baskets with a couple of little trinkets for photos.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Action and Reaction

I did go for that walk today.  Yuck.  I hated it.  Why did my HR seem so low, but I could barely breath?  My body burned like fire.  Yes, it was just a walk, not a muscle scorching trip to the gym.

I've been thinking about something I saw on TV about the 3rd (?) law of motion.  For every action, there is a reaction.  I have forgotten that in recent months.  Well, maybe longer than that.  Every move I make with my babies is going to produce some kind of reaction.  They will react to me, or maybe they will react by internalizing what I say and do with them.  I don't want to be the kind of parent that my parents were.  I need to keep that in mind.  "When I say _____, what is my baby's reaction to that?"

Also this applies to me physically.  The action of carrying twins and then having them has a reaction that lasts longer than I realized.

Oh, all this thinking has me tired.  I think I'll go lie down now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I mowed the grass yesterday (gasp!).  I was talking to my neighbor for the first time in months.  I always thought she was a little bit crazy, but maybe she's not.  She said something that I've been turning over in my mind.  We were talking about the struggles to bring up newborn babies and how our yards and landscaping reflect what's going on inside our homes.  She said, "Well, we all have our seasons."

A-HA!  Brilliant!  Yes, now I do see that my life has been a succession of seasons, and never in the order of nature.  I had my spring season when I was in tip-top physical condition (Xena Warrior Princess kickboxing instructor), and now I'm having a little winter. Well, maybe right in the dead of winter.  Trying to pull myself out physically, but limited by the reality that is my new life.  

But am I limited?  Maybe I should think about it differently.  I'm not limited, but rather I have different priorities right now than the size of my ass.  And that crappy extra skin & fat in the "spare tire" region from pregnancy and the inability to stop eating for 3.  Oh, I digress.

OK, I'll say this out loud:  we'll be celebrating our first whole year as parents in late June. I'd like to have a goal of some figure improvements by then.  Like shrinking of backside, elimination of fat.  I want to improve myself for my babies' first birthday.  I need to draw up a map.  How many weeks?  Establish a cheat day (or 2) a week?  Make a meal plan?  When it's too windy to walk (most days now), what's plan B?  OK, time to get to work...

Please feel free to post comments, thoughts, advice, encouragement, humorous insults, whatever!  

Monday, April 18, 2011

Puss Cakes Kiss My XXX

I just don't get to blog as much as I wish that I could. I need to vent, so here I am!

I had a really hard day yesterday. Life bringing up twins isn't for wusses! We got everyone fed, dressed and exercised (with play time) for a trip to church for a Palm Sunday service. That in itself is a hell of a lot of work! We each carry in a baby and find a pew quickly in the back. The babies were like little monkeys through the entire service. I was pretty tired and my arms were burning. I haven't had much exercise besides taking care of them and am still in bad condition regarding fitness. Anyway, when the service was over, we had to wade through crowds of people standing in the way (each of us still carrying a baby), then we finally get outside after pushing through a really heavy door with a floor matt stuck in it (no one stopped to help us struggling to get through the door). There were lots of parents and grandparents standing just outside for the kids' Easter egg hunt to begin. My arm was about to fall off at this point and my heart was about to beat out of my chest! We we had to slowly wade through more people to get to our car, then load up the babies in car seats. Halfway through this process, my arm just gave out and I had to stop for a moment.

After getting everyone clicked in, I sat in my seat watching all the suburban skinny happy smiling moms chase their toddlers around in the grass with Easter baskets. I couldn't help myself - I just started crying. Why am I so tired? Why am I not stick skinny already like all these moms? Why don't I have energy to go to the egg hunt? Why aren't I happy and smiling like all these women with beautiful dresses and freshly blown out hair?

It was at this moment that I just sort of started to begin to unravel for the rest of the day. DH pointed out some very important points to help me feel better and reassure me: where were all the 9 month babies and their mamas?! Nowhere to be found. Good point; we'd only seen families with infants and walking toddlers - not much in between. Second point: Where were all the families with twins? NOT ANYONE TO BE FOUND! We were the ONLY parents with twins in all the hundreds of people around us. Those families probably were at home. Third point: one family pulled up in their car in shorts (they weren't at the religious service) just so they could participate in the egg hunt. Well, that would be easy, to just simply show up for an egg hunt on Sunday and skip church in dresses. I could have thrown on some shorts and done that easily.

So as I cried my way through the day feeling sorry for myself, I had lots of thoughts roll around in my head. People who have never birthed or brought up multiples have NOT THE FOGGIEST IDEA of how hard it is. People who say they do and those who give advice freely need to shut the hell up. Oh, don't even think of telling me that "you understand." Oh, no, you do not. Not for one second!

When I realize that we were the only ones carrying twins, it dawned on me for the millionth time that bringing up twins is not for wusses. All those happy smiling beautiful moms I was seeing are a bunch of puss-cakes with their singletons. I think of how much easier it would be if I had only one baby, but my husband has a much healthier approach. He says, "Well, that's not our reality, so there's no point in thinking about what-if. TWINS is our reality, and we're kicking ass!" Thanks, DH.

I also think that these puss-cakes didn't have my pregnancy. I sat on the couch or in a hospital bed for months. So I can't catch my breath when I carry around a 20 pound baby for 2 hours, that's OK! I don't expect myself to compete in a fitness competition yet, do I? I'm so hard on myself since I was once in such great shape.

I need to give myself a break and LOVE myself instead for what I've been through. I'm a wonderful mom, even though I make mistakes and don't figure everything out right away. Sometimes I lay them in their cribs crying, close the door and walk away because I need a time out. That's OK, right? Yes. I need to rest a lot more than I used to in the afternoons because I'm not in tip top condition yet. That's OK, right? Yes. I need a god damn vacation to a beach somewhere with foofie drinks with umbrellas in them, that's OK, right? HELL YEAH!

Oh, yesterday sucked the big one. But today, I'm doing alright. I'm working on the things that I can change and trying to forget about the things that I can't. Those things aren't worth my energy. I'm just worried about what's available in our house for dinner. That's a pretty easy problem to have right now. :)