Monday, August 3, 2009


Wow. Look at this amazing lunch.

OMG! I was just thinking about last night's pie and ice cream fest. I can't believe I made such a stupid excuse for cheating that badly. WHAT WAS I THINKING??!! I CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!!! I'm surprised that none of you called me out for it!!! :) haha After that big ol' cheesecake I had this weekend, I can't believe that I actually thought that pie and ice cream was a good choice for the Silver Vegas Dress. What was I thinking? Hmmm. Oh, well, I'll be making up for that one this week, starting TODAY.

Today's food has been good:

B'fast: 1/2 cup coffee, Fiber 1 cereal

Lunch: dry tuna, tomatoes & a piece of sourdough bread (could have been whole wheat for a better choice). I've provided a lovely delicious pic here. Too bad it doesn't have smell-o-vision. It reeks of stinky tuna!

Snack: fruit & nut bar, fruit protein shake

Dinner: Quiche (mushroom, spinach, krab & cheese), asparagus. OK, let's be real, I snuck a few bites of cheese & krab while I was preparing dinner, but I gotta count those too!!

I went shopping for this week's menu today. Having the whole week's meals planned out (including snacks) makes it easier for me to stick to cleaner eating. I don't have to think about what I'm hungry for, I just look on the list posted on the fridge and see what yummy goodness I planned for myself. Besides, Wednesday is a cheat evening dessert, and I can hold on easier with that in my sights!!!! It's a fancy kind of German chocolate cake with cream cheese and the likes - yum!! I've never made it before. Come oooon, Wednesday!

Speaking of, I just love cooking! We have decided to have a least one "mystery dinner" every week (a new recipe). Yes, he cooks, too, which is totally great. This week we have 3 mystery dinners planned (last night was one)! Coming up: steak au poivre and chicken piccata on the weekend. I gladly share recipes if something peaks your interest. If Wednesday's cake turns out good, you'll be hearing about it for sure!!

After dinner, we made cookies for our new neighbors to take over. The house smells yummy and edible, but I resisted the temptation to sneak one. Besides, we had just enough for an even dozen. My OCD took over and I couldn't stand taking over 11 cookies to new neighbors, so that made it easier to resist. I am craving something sugary, so I might have 6 or 8 chocolate chips I have in the fridge later (the kind you bake in your cookies). I will surely report them if I do. I just feel a serious sugar crave after dinner every day and need to taste something sweet. Psychological or physiological?

That brings me to a topic of discussion, and please feel free to comment your thoughts here. I've been doing some exercises for my Alanon work regarding "alcoholism is a disease." Do I believe/understand that alcoholism is a disease? Why or why not? Truthfully, I have been having a hard time getting my head wrapped around the concept.

So what about food and how the "disease" concept can relate to eating? Is being fat a disease? Is overweight-ness a disease? Is the uncontrollable urge to binge eat a disease? I know there's a whole 12 step program for Overeaters Anonymous, but just as a shallow discussion, how do I relate and cross reference my experiences with the concept of disease? I have some present thoughts on the matter, but I will save them till later because I'm interested to see if any of you might want to share your comments on the subject. Again, you can comment to this post here, or if you'd rather share privately via email, that's great, too.

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