Monday, August 17, 2009

New Monday

Yea! I workout out this morning, but it was rough. I got 15 minutes through an EASports Wii session and started over with another one. My legs are sore, so I thought I picked one that would not focus on legs. Wrongo! So I got a good hour of Wii today. Good for me.

Yesterday I did Kung Fu yard work and ate ice cream. Woo! What a day. It was still too hot to be mowing grass, but I did it anyway. Why? Because I can. And I should!

Food has been pretty good for me today. I don't feel like going into details, but I will say that I had peppers from my garden (stuffed) for dinner. Yummy.

I've had a struggle with my mood today and I've just wanted to eat junk. I spoke with one of my aunts on the phone today. She was really rude (as she usually is) for no reason I could find and I tried my best not to let it eat me up inside. She's like that with me and my other two cousins, as well as a few other family members. Everyone excuses her crappy moods "because she's so heavy and unhappy." That seems to be a theme in my family - "making excuses for others' bad behavior." That really ticks me off. Maybe that's why my aunt is 58 years old and still acts like a 5 year old; because no one taught her to stop.

Also, I am really ticked about Michael Vick, who was on 60 Minutes yesterday evening. As Jill Conner Browne said in The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love, "some men need killin.'" The world would be a better place if he would vanish. Perhaps some PETA folks will handle that and I shall do a happy dance. I've just been thinking about how injust and pathetic that whole situation is, and how it pisses me off. So I got on the floor and gave my dog some loving scratching and petting because that's what I CAN do today.

I've been doing housework all day and I'm beat. I think I'll sleep good tonight.

I was watching the show Ruby this past weekend. I think she's on Style Network. I really love that show which I've only just started catching pieces of. She went kayaking for the first time. She talked about how afraid she was to do something new (too fat to get in the boat, she can't do something she's never done before, etc.) and how the old fat Ruby was trying to talk the new slimmer Ruby out of doing something she's always wanted to do. I was really relating to her! If you haven't seen that show, it's worth checking out.

Well, I just don't have anything else to say for today (certainly no words of wisdom). I just feel tired and I'm sure this passage will seem like rambling. I have plans to work out again tomorrow, so I'll see y'all on the flip side!

You guys still with me?!

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