Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 11

This morning I went for about a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood with the doggie.  No sweat.  As the thought of doing some resistance training approached, so did the red zone.  "Do I get crazy and go to the gym today or do I do the same song and dance at home?"  I stayed home and I did it.

On Tuesday, I mentioned that I added an extra set to every excersice.  So I've always challenged myself that once I do something, I either maintain it or do better.  So I did three sets of everything today and I was hating on the number 3.  It's evening now and I'm sore already!  

Here's what I did (almost the same thing):
Quad:  Wall ball squats, 3 sets 15 reps
Back:  *single DB row with the 12 lb handweights,  3 sets of 10 on each side
Chest: *DB press on the fit ball with 12 lb hndwts, 3 sets of 10
Ham/Glut:  Static lunges, 3 sets of 10 on each side OUCH THE PAIN THE PAIN I HATE LUNGES!!!!!  But they look so good in the end.
Delts:  DB side raises, 3 sets of 15
Bicep:  DB curl, 3 sets of 15
Tricep:  OHX, 3 sets of 10
Superset gluts (kneeling kickbacks, 2 sets of 10) and abs (FB crunches, 2 sets of 15)

Doesn't look like much on paper in my fitness journal, but it sure tastes like burning.  There was really nothing really remarkable about today's session, but it was difficult to get through physically.  For the remainder of the day, I've felt exhausted.  My body isn't in the habit yet; it's still trying to remember what's going on.  I have thoughts of going back to gym more often now that I'm back in the saddle.  But I'm just not ready yet.  Baby steps!!!!

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