- she grew up in a home with fat parents who did not teach her proper health
- she was sexually abused as a child and purposely grew large so the abuser(s) would no longer find her attractive
- she was told early on that she was plump/thick/chubby, and she just grew to believe it and lived up to the expectations
- she has a food addiction
- she was once athletic, became injured through sports and never gained the mental strength to recover physically
- same as above, but the injury came as a result of a traumatic (car?) accident
- perhaps a mentally traumatic event (death of of loved one?) caused her to make unhealthy choices
- maybe she felt like she had no friends who truly cared about her and gave up
- maybe her husband was a jerk, causing her pain and devastation and she simply lost her will to truly live
The point is that many things can lead us to this point. Maybe she is suffering and struggling just like me. How fat we are doesn't matter - the amount of pain, shame and embarrassment we feel is all the same. 300 pounds overweight can hurt mentally just as much as 25 extra pounds. What we tell ourselves can be just as damaging, if the thoughts are negative.
Maybe she's just like me. Maybe she felt betrayed at work. Maybe she felt let down by her family/spouse. Maybe she didn't know who to turn to. And she just never said, "ENOUGH!"
I'm sorry, Scooter Lady. I made an unfair snap judgement. I hope that someday she will walk for herself. I will hope for her when I walk the doggie tonight.