Friday, October 24, 2008

Day 5.2

Here's what I've done with the resistance training part of today (same as Days 1 & 3):
Quads: Wall ball squats, 2 sets of 15 reps
Back: DB Dead Rows, 2 sets of 12
Chest: DB fly on FB (fit ball), 2 sets of 15
Ham/Gluts: Static Lunges, 2 sets of 10 x 10(each let got 2 sets of 10)
Delts: DB Side Raises, 2 sets of 10
Biceps: DB curls, 2 sets of 15
Triceps: OH (overhead) extension, 2 sets of 12
ABS: FB crunch, 1 set of 15

During the last set of tricep extensions, I wanted to puke because I don't feel strong and I'm just sort of going through the motions at this point. It's frustrating, because I don't feel strong when it comes to my weight routine. I know it's going to take a lot of sessions and a lot of time, but I WANT STRENGTH NOW. Snail pace, right Amanda? Your words of encouragement remind me that I'm not alone. I laughed when you wrote, "not like a slug." :) LOL!!!!!!! Right on, sister. Thanks for the comments, they keep me going like you can't imagine!!!!!

Why am I doing the same routine, you might ask? I'm simply working the task into my daily routine. My focus is not to gain strength and challenge myself this week or next. The focus is to simply get in the daily habit. Not training is NO LONGER A CHOICE.

When I get back to the gym, I'll do the same routine, but I guarantee it will be more difficult because I will be a new environment and there will be others around me. Baby steps...

Please keep those comments coming, it makes a world of difference to me. Don't be afraid of what anyone thinks (only 6 people are reading this) and don't be shy about giving me some tough love. MB-ster, you're always good at smack talk, so bring it on! If it weren't for you, I would NEVER have run that half marathon.

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